Metal Sculpture Art Aftercare Instructions

Knowing how to maintain your metal sculpture art is important to keep it in good condition, particularly if it is housed in an area that has potential to cause damage to the sculpture if it is not taken care of, like a heat or humidity source. Below you will find aftercare information for both indoor and outdoor metal wall art and sculptures.

Aftercare instructions for indoor metal sculpture art

Indoor metal sculpture art shouldn’t need much maintenance, except for an occasional dusting when needed. However, it is advisable to keep metalwork sculptures away from extreme heat and moisture to maintain good condition.

To keep the piece clean, it is advisable to gently wipe it down annually with water and washing up liquid to remove any residue that could cause damage over time.

Aftercare instructions for outdoor metal wall art and sculptures

Outdoor metal wall art and sculptures don't require much maintenance other than an occasional wipe down with clean water and washing up liquid to remove any residue which could cause damage if left to build up. Similarly, if the metalwork sculpture is located in a coastal area, the piece should be wiped down regularly to remove salty residue.

If the sculpture is housed in an area that uses an iron-rich water source, do not let it come into contact with this water, as steel can react adversely.

If you would like tailored aftercare advice for a specific piece of metalwork art that you have purchased, feel free to get in touch. I’m always happy to help.