Live virtual interview

Pure arts 360 hosted interview, fascinating insight into how I go about creating.



Latest Interview In Everything Horse Magazine

It's a lovely interview and insight into how I go about sculpting horses I talk about the processes and thoughts into these works. I also go into depth on some of my early metal horse sculptures, to my latest pieces to date with and dropping some interesting future plans.

Featured artist on BBC

Exciting News!! I’m a Featured Artist, on BBC ‘s Second Series of “Home is Where the Art is”.

The basic concept of this episode is that I’m up against two other artists where we pitch, create, and compete to make a piece of art for a potential buyer.

It was such a fascinating surreal experience, being mic'd up and talking to Nick Knowles about my Art on camera.


I’ve finally finished my long term rearing horse Sculpture its such a satisfying feeling now its out of the workshop in the open field.

This life-size rearing metal horseshoe horse sculpture is now on view to the public at Cheltenham Racecourse! It always gives me a great feeling to know that my creativity is being used to decorate public spaces for everyone to view.